What Can I Do?
It is essential that noise disturbances are reported to Luton Airport and/or the CAA.
However, DO NOT over-report or you will be side-lined, and in this way reasonable complaints should be taken seriously. There are correct procedures that the Airport should follow, they should to acknowledge your complaint and, if they don't it is necessary to email Luton Airport and/or let the CAA know.
1. Complain to Luton Airport (LLA)
a) You can use their online flight tracking system known as Travis (http://travisltn.topsonic.aero) to complain. Search for 'Luton Travis'
Click on the green speech bubble on the menu bar to start a complaint, it can be about specific flights, if they are exceptionally noisy or are off track, too low, etc. or it can be about general flights occurring at a certain time of day (eg, very early morning).
b) You can email noise@ltn.aero
c) You can phone 01582 395382 (24 hours automated line) giving your name, address and reason for the complaint.
If you could copy us in that would be helpful, and then we will start to get an idea of the level of disturbance in this community. Currently Luton Airport are the only ones who know!
First-time complainants should be emailed an information pack by the airport. If the response to your complaint is too technical or does not give the information you need, please let us know.
2. Contact the CAA
Contact the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA):
You then make a complaint direct to the CAA using www.caa.co.uk
Use Quick Links to select “Make a complaint” then “Reports from the public” then “Aircraft Noise” and fill in form
FCS 1521 and submit it.
Although a bit more long winded it is worth the effort.
3. Email your MP and Local Councillors to express your concerns:
You can raise your concerns with your local Member of Parliament:
Andrew Selous, MP: andrew.selous.mp@parliament.uk or write to him at: House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA
You can make sure that your local councillors are aware of your views – Our local councillors are:
Kevin Collins: kevin.collins@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Eddie Perry: eddie.perry@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk